Social Networks

In the microblogging service Twitter and the video game Spore, users can connect with each other via subscriptions (i.e. "add as a buddy", "follow"). Each of these social networks also provide an API for public data consumption. In each service, a random list of users is generated and we measure how many users they are subscribed to and how many users subscribe to them. In Twitter, there is a strong correlation between following and followers. In other words, a users are likely to "follow back" a user if they are being followed. The transparency in "who follows you" turns Twitter into a popularity contest and amplifies the community element. The line at 2000 buddies is a Twitter feature: a user cannot follow more than 2000 if more than 2000 are not following them. In Spore the information about who is following you is not readily available, resulting in no correlation between following and follower. This lack of connectivity in Spore makes sharing and collaboration much more difficult and the community element less apparent.